Bagni San Filippo: free baths, wellness and nature

Free spa? It seems impossible but, in the heart of the Val d’Orcia, there is a place where you can fulfill your dream of wellness. The thermal springs of Bagni San Filippo, an enchanting place where to enjoy a relaxing time in contact with nature.

Free Baths of San Filippo - waterfalls

This masterpiece of nature, hidden inside a luxuriant wood of the Val d’Orcia, are well known and used since Etruscans and Romans times. Today they are among the most famous thermal baths in Tuscany, second only to the Saturnia ones.
The striking feature of this spring is the “Balena Bianca” or “White Whale”. It is a spectacular white calcium concentrate formation where spring waters flow at a temperature of about 48° C. This particular nickname comes from its unique shape, which resembles a whale’s mouth.

white whale

How to get to the free baths of Bagni San Filippo?

Getting there is simple! From the little town of Bagni San Filippo just follow a path walking along the flow of the stream downward  until you get to the pools. The first few are not very deep, hence the water tends to cool down faster. Therefore, you should continue to enter the woods, along the path. Not far away the suggestive White Whale will appear in front of you, and continuing a little further, you will find the Fosso Bianco with countless natural pools where  to enjoy bathing in the thermal waters.

hot thermal bath

Now you can just lay in one of the pools and enjoy the hot water with a relaxing forest sound in the background.

Suggestion: the thermal waters have a sulfur component that will inevitably give you the rotten egg smell. In case you decide to try some local dishes in the typical Bagni San Filippo’s restaurants, it might be a good idea to have a quick shower in the nearby spa, where you can access in the afternoon for 3 euros only! 

Discover the free thermal baths of Bagno Vignoni!

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