Viareggio’s Carnival: how it will be in 2021?

The Viareggio’s Carnival is, without any doubt, one of the most important in Italy, second only to the Venice one which has, however, different folkloric origins.

History of Viareggio’s Carnival

The tradition of the Viareggio Carnival began in 1873, precisely on Shrove Tuesday. At the time, the allegorical floats were very different from those parading today. 100 years ago they appeared as real monuments, built in wood, modeled by sculptors and put together by carpenters and blacksmiths from nearby shipyards.

During World War One the event stopped until 1921 and then again during World War Second. In 1946, the Carnival of Viareggio flourished again, returning even more beautiful and
than before.
First of all they improved the construction techniques of the floats, starting to use papier-mâché and once they got rid of the heaviness of the wood, they also decided to give them movement.

Viareggio's Carnival - I cavalieri del Carnevale

The first papier-mâché float made in 1925: “I cavalieri del Carnevale” by Antonio D’Arliano.

Obviously today the allegorical floats are very realistic and dance together with their spectators along the seaside of Viareggio.Time has passed but the tradition has remained, evolving from generation to generation.
In 2001 was inaugurated the new “Cittadella del Carnevale” (Carnival’s Citadel): it is an extraordinary complex entirely dedicated to the creation and preservation of the Carnival of Viareggio.

Will it take place in 2021?

Viareggio's Carnival - carnival float

2021, in Viareggio, will be remembered as the first autumn Carnival ever!

This will be the first year, in 148 of history, in which it will not be possible to celebrate it as usual due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Nonetheless, the organizers of the Viareggio Carnival have decided to postpone one of the most famous events in Tuscany and Italy by a few months.
Therefore, in 2021, we will have fun on 18-26 September and 2-3-9 October.

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