Free natural thermal baths of Bagno Vignoni

Free natural thermal baths of Bagno Vignoni are located in the heart of the Val d’Orcia, in the county of Siena. It is one of the most important and ancient thermal sites in Tuscany. The hot thermal springs of Bagno Vignoni, probably well known even in Etruscan times, were definitely enjoyed by the Romans, as evidenced by many archaeological finds. Thanks to its strategic position along the Via Francigena, it was a place widely frequented not only by pilgrims. Also famous artists and historical figures such as Pope Pio II, Caterina da Siena and Lorenzo il Magnifico loved this wonderful place.

The peculiarity of this village is certainly its main square from the Renaissance period, which looks like a huge swimming pool. 49 meters long and 29 meters wide, it was built exactly  over the original source of hot springs around the spot where hot water bubbles to the surface. The waters that bubbles to the surface flow along with a complex system of water canals that today constitute the Parco dei Mulini, or Natural Park of the Mills. It takes its name from the presence of particular mills operated on the travertine slope. These were important for the local economy, as the continuous flow of the spring ensured their functioning even in summer, when the other rivers were dry.

Are the natural thermal baths of Bagno Vignoni free?

The Bagno Vignoni spring reaches a temperature of 52 °, making these thermal waters the hottest in Tuscany.

Thanks to their mineral conformation, they are  they are curative for skin problems,  arthritis, rheumatism and relieve also muscle pain. Moreover they are very effective in treating of the cellulite.

You can take advantage of the private accomodations offering high-ranking  thermal and SPA therapies, while if you go down to the Parco dei Mulini you can relax at a spring of naturally hot water of the natural pool called La Gora. There is no ticket to pay, you can enter for free! 

Don’t resist the temptation to dip your feet in the small channels where the thermal water flows, for an immediate relief!

Discover also Terme Libere di San Filippo thermal site!
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